>>> class SharedData:
... spam = 42 # Generates a class data attribute
>>> x = SharedData() # Make two instances
>>> y = SharedData()
>>> x.spam, y.spam # They inherit and share 'spam'
(42, 42)
>>> SharedData.spam = 99
>>> x.spam, y.spam, SharedData.spam
(99, 99, 99)
>>> x.spam = 88
>>> x.spam, y.spam, SharedData.spam
(88, 99, 99)
class MixedNames: # Define class
data = 'spam' # Assign class attr
def __init__(self, value): # Assign method name = value # Assign instance attr
def display(self):
print(, # Instance attr, class attr
>>> x = MixedNames(1) # Make two instance objects
>>> y = MixedNames(2) # Each has its own data
>>> x.display(); y.display() # differs, is the same
1 spam
2 spam
class NextClass: # Define class
def printer(self, text): # Define method
self.message = text # Change instance
print(self.message) # Access instance
>>> x = NextClass() # Make instance
>>> x.printer('instance call') # Call its method
instance call
>>> x.message # Instance changed
'instance call'
>>> NextClass.printer(x, 'class call') # Direct class call
class call
>>> x.message # Instance changed again
'class call'
>>> NextClass.printer('bad call')
TypeError: unbound method printer() must be called with NextClass instance...
class Super:
def __init__(self, x):
...default code...
class Sub(Super):
def __init__(self, x, y):
Super.__init__(self, x) # Run superclass __init__
...custom code... # Do my init actions
I = Sub(1, 2)
>>> class Super:
... def method(self):
... print('in Super.method')
>>> class Sub(Super):
... def method(self): # Override method
... print('starting Sub.method') # Add actions here
... Super.method(self) # Run default action
... print('ending Sub.method')
>>> x = Super() # Make a Super instance
>>> x.method() # Runs Super.method
in Super.method
>>> x = Sub() # Make a Sub instance
>>> x.method() # Runs Sub.method, calls Super.method
starting Sub.method
in Super.method
ending Sub.method
### file:
class Super:
def method(self):
print('in Super.method') # Default behavior
def delegate(self):
self.action() # Expected to be defined
class Inheritor(Super): # Inherit method verbatim
class Replacer(Super): # Replace method completely
def method(self):
print('in Replacer.method')
class Extender(Super): # Extend method behavior
def method(self):
print('starting Extender.method')
print('ending Extender.method')
class Provider(Super): # Fill in a required method
def action(self):
print('in Provider.action')
if __name__ == '__main__':
for klass in (Inheritor, Replacer, Extender):
print('\n' + klass.__name__ + '...')
x = Provider()
class Super:
def delegate(self):
def action(self):
assert False, 'action must be defined!' # If this version called
>>> X = Super()
>>> X.delegate()
AssertionError: action must be defined!
class Super:
def delegate(self):
def action(self):
raise NotImplementedError('action must be defined!')
>>> X = Super()
>>> X.delegate()
NotImplementedError: action must be defined!
>>> class Sub(Super): pass
>>> X = Sub()
>>> X.delegate()
NotImplementedError: action must be defined!
>>> class Sub(Super):
... def action(self): print('spam')
>>> X = Sub()
>>> X.delegate()
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class Super(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def method(self, ...):
class Super:
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def method(self, ...):
>>> from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
>>> class Super(metaclass=ABCMeta):
... def delegate(self):
... self.action()
... @abstractmethod
... def action(self):
... pass
>>> X = Super()
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Super with abstract methods action
>>> class Sub(Super): pass
>>> X = Sub()
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Sub with abstract methods action
>>> class Sub(Super):
... def action(self): print('spam')
>>> X = Sub()
>>> X.delegate()
### File:
X = 11 # Global (module) name/attribute (X, or manynames.X)
def f():
print(X) # Access global X (11)
def g():
X = 22 # Local (function) variable (X, hides module X)
class C:
X = 33 # Class attribute (C.X)
def m(self):
X = 44 # Local variable in method (X)
self.X = 55 # Instance attribute (instance.X)
#, continued
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(X) # 11: module (a.k.a. manynames.X outside file)
f() # 11: global
g() # 22: local
print(X) # 11: module name unchanged
obj = C() # Make instance
print(obj.X) # 33: class name inherited by instance
obj.m() # Attach attribute name X to instance now
print(obj.X) # 55: instance
print(C.X) # 33: class (a.k.a. obj.X if no X in instance)
#print(C.m.X) # FAILS: only visible in method
#print(g.X) # FAILS: only visible in function
### File:
import manynames
X = 66
print(X) # 66: the global here
print(manynames.X) # 11: globals become attributes after imports
manynames.f() # 11: manynames's X, not the one here!
manynames.g() # 22: local in other file抯 function
print(manynames.C.X) # 33: attribute of class in other module
I = manynames.C()
print(I.X) # 33: still from class here
print(I.X) # 55: now from instance!
X = 11 # Global in module
def g1():
print(X) # Reference global in module
def g2():
global X
X = 22 # Change global in module
def h1():
X = 33 # Local in function
def nested():
print(X) # Reference local in enclosing scope
def h2():
X = 33 # Local in function
def nested():
nonlocal X # Python 3.0 statement
X = 44 # Change local in enclosing scope
>>> class super:
... def hello(self):
... self.data1 = 'spam'
>>> class sub(super):
... def hola(self):
... self.data2 = 'eggs'
>>> X = sub()
>>> X.__dict__ # Instance namespace dict
>>> X.__class__ # Class of instance
<class '__main__.sub'>
>>> sub.__bases__ # Superclasses of class
(<class '__main__.super'>,)
>>> super.__bases__ # () empty tuple in Python 2.6
(<class 'object'>,)
>>> Y = sub()
>>> X.hello()
>>> X.__dict__
{'data1': 'spam'}
>>> X.hola()
>>> X.__dict__
{'data1': 'spam', 'data2': 'eggs'}
>>> sub.__dict__.keys()
['__module__', '__doc__', 'hola']
>>> super.__dict__.keys()
['__dict__', '__module__', '__weakref__', 'hello', '__doc__']
>>> Y.__dict__
>>> X.data1, X.__dict__['data1']
('spam', 'spam')
>>> X.data3 = 'toast'
>>> X.__dict__
{'data1': 'spam', 'data3': 'toast', 'data2': 'eggs'}
>>> X.__dict__['data3'] = 'ham'
>>> X.data3
>>> X.__dict__, Y.__dict__
({'data1': 'spam', 'data3': 'ham', 'data2': 'eggs'}, {})
>>> list(X.__dict__.keys()) # Need list() in 3.0
['data1', 'data3', 'data2']
# In Python 2.6:
>>>> dir(X)
['__doc__', '__module__', 'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'hello', 'hola']
>>> dir(sub)
['__doc__', '__module__', 'hello', 'hola']
>>> dir(super)
['__doc__', '__module__', 'hello']
# In Python 3.0:
>>> dir(X)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__',
...more omitted...
'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'hello', 'hola']
>>> dir(sub)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__',
...more omitted...
'hello', 'hola']
>>> dir(super)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__',
...more omitted...
### File:
Climb inheritance trees using namespace links,
displaying higher superclasses with indentation
def classtree(cls, indent):
print('.' * indent + cls.__name__) # Print class name here
for supercls in cls.__bases__: # Recur to all superclasses
classtree(supercls, indent+3) # May visit super > once
def instancetree(inst):
print('Tree of %s' % inst) # Show instance
classtree(inst.__class__, 3) # Climb to its class
def selftest():
class A: pass
class B(A): pass
class C(A): pass
class D(B,C): pass
class E: pass
class F(D,E): pass
if __name__ == '__main__': selftest()
C:\misc> c:\python30\python
>>> class Emp: pass
>>> class Person(Emp): pass
>>> bob = Person()
>>> import classtree
>>> classtree.instancetree(bob)
Tree of <__main__.Person object at 0x028203B0>
### file:
"I am: docstr.__doc__"
def func(args):
"I am: docstr.func.__doc__"
class spam:
"I am: spam.__doc__ or docstr.spam.__doc__"
def method(self, arg):
"I am: spam.method.__doc__ or self.method.__doc__"
>>> import docstr
>>> docstr.__doc__
'I am: docstr.__doc__'
>>> docstr.func.__doc__
'I am: docstr.func.__doc__'
>>> docstr.spam.__doc__
'I am: spam.__doc__ or docstr.spam.__doc__'
>>> docstr.spam.method.__doc__
'I am: spam.method.__doc__ or self.method.__doc__'
>>> help(docstr)
Help on module docstr:
docstr - I am: docstr.__doc__
class spam
| I am: spam.__doc__ or docstr.spam.__doc__
| Methods defined here:
| method(self, arg)
| I am: spam.method.__doc__ or self.method.__doc__
I am: docstr.func.__doc__
... spam = 42 # Generates a class data attribute
>>> x = SharedData() # Make two instances
>>> y = SharedData()
>>> x.spam, y.spam # They inherit and share 'spam'
(42, 42)
>>> SharedData.spam = 99
>>> x.spam, y.spam, SharedData.spam
(99, 99, 99)
>>> x.spam = 88
>>> x.spam, y.spam, SharedData.spam
(88, 99, 99)
class MixedNames: # Define class
data = 'spam' # Assign class attr
def __init__(self, value): # Assign method name = value # Assign instance attr
def display(self):
print(, # Instance attr, class attr
>>> x = MixedNames(1) # Make two instance objects
>>> y = MixedNames(2) # Each has its own data
>>> x.display(); y.display() # differs, is the same
1 spam
2 spam
class NextClass: # Define class
def printer(self, text): # Define method
self.message = text # Change instance
print(self.message) # Access instance
>>> x = NextClass() # Make instance
>>> x.printer('instance call') # Call its method
instance call
>>> x.message # Instance changed
'instance call'
>>> NextClass.printer(x, 'class call') # Direct class call
class call
>>> x.message # Instance changed again
'class call'
>>> NextClass.printer('bad call')
TypeError: unbound method printer() must be called with NextClass instance...
class Super:
def __init__(self, x):
...default code...
class Sub(Super):
def __init__(self, x, y):
Super.__init__(self, x) # Run superclass __init__
...custom code... # Do my init actions
I = Sub(1, 2)
>>> class Super:
... def method(self):
... print('in Super.method')
>>> class Sub(Super):
... def method(self): # Override method
... print('starting Sub.method') # Add actions here
... Super.method(self) # Run default action
... print('ending Sub.method')
>>> x = Super() # Make a Super instance
>>> x.method() # Runs Super.method
in Super.method
>>> x = Sub() # Make a Sub instance
>>> x.method() # Runs Sub.method, calls Super.method
starting Sub.method
in Super.method
ending Sub.method
### file:
class Super:
def method(self):
print('in Super.method') # Default behavior
def delegate(self):
self.action() # Expected to be defined
class Inheritor(Super): # Inherit method verbatim
class Replacer(Super): # Replace method completely
def method(self):
print('in Replacer.method')
class Extender(Super): # Extend method behavior
def method(self):
print('starting Extender.method')
print('ending Extender.method')
class Provider(Super): # Fill in a required method
def action(self):
print('in Provider.action')
if __name__ == '__main__':
for klass in (Inheritor, Replacer, Extender):
print('\n' + klass.__name__ + '...')
x = Provider()
class Super:
def delegate(self):
def action(self):
assert False, 'action must be defined!' # If this version called
>>> X = Super()
>>> X.delegate()
AssertionError: action must be defined!
class Super:
def delegate(self):
def action(self):
raise NotImplementedError('action must be defined!')
>>> X = Super()
>>> X.delegate()
NotImplementedError: action must be defined!
>>> class Sub(Super): pass
>>> X = Sub()
>>> X.delegate()
NotImplementedError: action must be defined!
>>> class Sub(Super):
... def action(self): print('spam')
>>> X = Sub()
>>> X.delegate()
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class Super(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def method(self, ...):
class Super:
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def method(self, ...):
>>> from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
>>> class Super(metaclass=ABCMeta):
... def delegate(self):
... self.action()
... @abstractmethod
... def action(self):
... pass
>>> X = Super()
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Super with abstract methods action
>>> class Sub(Super): pass
>>> X = Sub()
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Sub with abstract methods action
>>> class Sub(Super):
... def action(self): print('spam')
>>> X = Sub()
>>> X.delegate()
### File:
X = 11 # Global (module) name/attribute (X, or manynames.X)
def f():
print(X) # Access global X (11)
def g():
X = 22 # Local (function) variable (X, hides module X)
class C:
X = 33 # Class attribute (C.X)
def m(self):
X = 44 # Local variable in method (X)
self.X = 55 # Instance attribute (instance.X)
#, continued
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(X) # 11: module (a.k.a. manynames.X outside file)
f() # 11: global
g() # 22: local
print(X) # 11: module name unchanged
obj = C() # Make instance
print(obj.X) # 33: class name inherited by instance
obj.m() # Attach attribute name X to instance now
print(obj.X) # 55: instance
print(C.X) # 33: class (a.k.a. obj.X if no X in instance)
#print(C.m.X) # FAILS: only visible in method
#print(g.X) # FAILS: only visible in function
### File:
import manynames
X = 66
print(X) # 66: the global here
print(manynames.X) # 11: globals become attributes after imports
manynames.f() # 11: manynames's X, not the one here!
manynames.g() # 22: local in other file抯 function
print(manynames.C.X) # 33: attribute of class in other module
I = manynames.C()
print(I.X) # 33: still from class here
print(I.X) # 55: now from instance!
X = 11 # Global in module
def g1():
print(X) # Reference global in module
def g2():
global X
X = 22 # Change global in module
def h1():
X = 33 # Local in function
def nested():
print(X) # Reference local in enclosing scope
def h2():
X = 33 # Local in function
def nested():
nonlocal X # Python 3.0 statement
X = 44 # Change local in enclosing scope
>>> class super:
... def hello(self):
... self.data1 = 'spam'
>>> class sub(super):
... def hola(self):
... self.data2 = 'eggs'
>>> X = sub()
>>> X.__dict__ # Instance namespace dict
>>> X.__class__ # Class of instance
<class '__main__.sub'>
>>> sub.__bases__ # Superclasses of class
(<class '__main__.super'>,)
>>> super.__bases__ # () empty tuple in Python 2.6
(<class 'object'>,)
>>> Y = sub()
>>> X.hello()
>>> X.__dict__
{'data1': 'spam'}
>>> X.hola()
>>> X.__dict__
{'data1': 'spam', 'data2': 'eggs'}
>>> sub.__dict__.keys()
['__module__', '__doc__', 'hola']
>>> super.__dict__.keys()
['__dict__', '__module__', '__weakref__', 'hello', '__doc__']
>>> Y.__dict__
>>> X.data1, X.__dict__['data1']
('spam', 'spam')
>>> X.data3 = 'toast'
>>> X.__dict__
{'data1': 'spam', 'data3': 'toast', 'data2': 'eggs'}
>>> X.__dict__['data3'] = 'ham'
>>> X.data3
>>> X.__dict__, Y.__dict__
({'data1': 'spam', 'data3': 'ham', 'data2': 'eggs'}, {})
>>> list(X.__dict__.keys()) # Need list() in 3.0
['data1', 'data3', 'data2']
# In Python 2.6:
>>>> dir(X)
['__doc__', '__module__', 'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'hello', 'hola']
>>> dir(sub)
['__doc__', '__module__', 'hello', 'hola']
>>> dir(super)
['__doc__', '__module__', 'hello']
# In Python 3.0:
>>> dir(X)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__',
...more omitted...
'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'hello', 'hola']
>>> dir(sub)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__',
...more omitted...
'hello', 'hola']
>>> dir(super)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__',
...more omitted...
### File:
Climb inheritance trees using namespace links,
displaying higher superclasses with indentation
def classtree(cls, indent):
print('.' * indent + cls.__name__) # Print class name here
for supercls in cls.__bases__: # Recur to all superclasses
classtree(supercls, indent+3) # May visit super > once
def instancetree(inst):
print('Tree of %s' % inst) # Show instance
classtree(inst.__class__, 3) # Climb to its class
def selftest():
class A: pass
class B(A): pass
class C(A): pass
class D(B,C): pass
class E: pass
class F(D,E): pass
if __name__ == '__main__': selftest()
C:\misc> c:\python30\python
>>> class Emp: pass
>>> class Person(Emp): pass
>>> bob = Person()
>>> import classtree
>>> classtree.instancetree(bob)
Tree of <__main__.Person object at 0x028203B0>
### file:
"I am: docstr.__doc__"
def func(args):
"I am: docstr.func.__doc__"
class spam:
"I am: spam.__doc__ or docstr.spam.__doc__"
def method(self, arg):
"I am: spam.method.__doc__ or self.method.__doc__"
>>> import docstr
>>> docstr.__doc__
'I am: docstr.__doc__'
>>> docstr.func.__doc__
'I am: docstr.func.__doc__'
>>> docstr.spam.__doc__
'I am: spam.__doc__ or docstr.spam.__doc__'
>>> docstr.spam.method.__doc__
'I am: spam.method.__doc__ or self.method.__doc__'
>>> help(docstr)
Help on module docstr:
docstr - I am: docstr.__doc__
class spam
| I am: spam.__doc__ or docstr.spam.__doc__
| Methods defined here:
| method(self, arg)
| I am: spam.method.__doc__ or self.method.__doc__
I am: docstr.func.__doc__